Faculty Profile

Muhammad Ahsan

Assistant Professor

School of Systems and Technology

Department of Software Engineering

 : [email protected]   

I am an Engineer having Masters in Electrical Engineering ( Major courses in Computer Networks/Operating Systems/Computer Architecture/ Broadband Networks ) from University Of Southern California , Viterbi School Of Engineering ,Los Angeles, USA ( Ranked among Top Ten engineering schools in United States ) with almost 20 years of work experience in Information and Communications Technology Industry along with Education Industry. Teaching Advance Operating Systems to MS SE/CS/IT , Operating Systems ,Computer Networks , Data Communications , Internet Architecture and Protocols BS CS/SE/IT students of SST. PhD (in progress from FAST-Nuces.)

  • Computer Networks ( TCP algorithms )
  • Operating Systems ( I/O Optimizations )
  • BroadBand Networks ( TCP MSS )
  • Cyber Security / IoT Security
  • Project RedStone
  • Project Apocalypse
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
PTCL/Etisalat Pakistan Sr.Manager Wireless Operations 12-02-2004 01-01-2014
University Of Management and Technology Assistant Professor 17-08-2015 Present
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Optimizing Windows Redstone 3 Boot Process. VFAST 0.000 2019
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Joystick Mapping in Virtual Reality Shooting Game IEEE Explore 0.000 2020
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
MS - Electrical Engineering University of Southern California USA
BS - Electrical Engineering University of Engineering & Technology Pakistan
Position Start Date End Date
Program Adviser Software Engineering 05-05-2017 01-07-2020
Assistant Professor 17-08-2015 Present
Position Start Date End Date
Chairperson Cyber Security 16-07-2018 Present
  • UMT Technical Audit Lead as Chairperson CSC.
  • SQL server optimizations
  • Pakistan Engineering Council
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
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