Vision and Image Processing (VIP)

Future Projects

Face Recognition (Celebrity Matching)


Face recognition Celebrity matching system demonstrates the system of finding similar faces this system when sees a face looks for similar face in its database of celebrities and shows which celebrity's face is similar to the face of person in front of its camera.

Car Number Plate Identification


This system is used for surveillance of vehicles such on roads and parking garages and keeps record of number plates of vehicles that pass in front of its camera.



Watermarking is the technology that is used to hide some information into images or videos so information about ownership can be maintained.

Multiface Warping


Description goes here.

Finding soft features


Finding (age, gender etc.,) of faces/human body (can also be used to increase the accuracy of thumb and face recognition systems).

Typing in handwritten form


Description goes here.

Blind Vision


Blind Vision is a system that aids blind people in making their lives easier, it can notify blind person by voice instructions when some object is close to him, in a household environment this system can guide a user in navigating through the house by monitoring video of a camera mounted in glasses of blind person and notifying him when some wall or other object can be seen in front of him.

Gesture and Expression recognition of Dumb


Description goes here.

Harry Potter Computer


Harry potter computer is a computer that can be controlled by human gestures. In case of a class room where a computer is running the slide show user can switch slides with swipes of his hand in the air with out touching anything. Sound volume can be brought up or down with some similar hand gesture.

Sign Board Detection


This system is mounted inside cars and upon seeing signboard on road notifies user what is coming ahead, it can notify user of upcoming bridges, railway crossings and can also aid user in maintaining proper speed according to the surrounding environment.

Finger print/Thumb Recognition System, Palmist


A hand and finger print recognition system that can identify different people according to their hand and finger print and can also perform as a mini fun palmist.

Car Parking Vacancy Detection and its application in 24- Hour Statistical Analysis


Car parking vacancy detection system uses an array of cameras spread in a parking garage this system smartly monitors and keeps record of vacant and available parking places. When a car enters parking place this system can notify the driver about nearest available parking place so time wastage on finding park place is eliminated.

Android Application


Adding more value to the faces like removing dim complexion beneath eyes, fair complexion, removing wrinkles, add more fair and reddish complexion.

Classroom Attendance System Using Camera


The idea is to mark the attendance using camera based on face detection. The person entering into an office, software house or any organization would look at the camera for 2 to 5 seconds and his attendance would be marked. Students would be able to develop a product and that product can be used in different offices and organizations. The product can be development in matlab, C/C++ using Open CV, Java etc., Student are welcome to chose any of the above mentioned languages or their own preferred languages.

Web Application: Marriage Bureau


To create a web application for finding the life partner for marriages. People would be able to find their spouse as per their preferences e.g., religion, nationality, age, education, working women, house wife etc., The web application would further help in the management of marriages like arranging the marriage halls based on their price range, arranging the stage decorators, photographers etc., The website might further include the features to find their study partners.

Desktop Application/Web Application : Facial Processing 1


  • The application would be developed in android to provide the mobile users to do different processing on their pictures.
  • The application would take the picture and find the closest match with the existing celebrity like cricket player, hockey player, film actor/actress.
  • The application would take two picture and tell the similarity between the two faces.
  • The application would take two pictures and tell that who is elder than the other one (or who is younger than the other)
  • The application would take the picture and predice the age of a person
  • The application would take two pictures and tell which one has more face value (i.e., which one is more beautiful)
  • The application would take the picture and add the more value to the face (i.e., beautify the face).
  • The application would take a picture and remove wrinkles from the face.

Desktop Application/Web Application : Facial Processing 2


  • The application would be developed in android to provide the mobile users to do different processing on their pictures.
  • The application would take two picture (containing two faces) and do warp the two image. It would take the left portion of the face (of picture 1) and right portion of the face (of picture 2), then it would fuse the two portions to get the third face.
  • The application would take the picture and predict the face expressions of that person i.e., that person is excited, angry, sad etc.,
  • The application would take the picture and predict the pain of that person by recognizing his face expressions
  • The application would take the picture and predict if a person is drowsy or sleepy
  • The application would take the type text and convert it such that it appears as it is handwritten.

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