Academic Programs

BS Information Technology

Overview Curriculum Batch 01

Curriculum Batch 01

1st Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
CodeCourse TitleCHPre-reqCodeCourse TitleCHPre-req
IT-101 Foundations of Information Technology 3(2+1) IT-102 Foundations of Information Systems 3(2+1)
IT-141 Programming Fundamentals 3(2+1) IT-142 Structured Programming 3 IT-141
MA-100 Calculus I 3 MA-210 Linear Algebra 3
ME-105 Applied Mechanics 4(3+1) EN-112 English II 2 EN-110
EN-110 English-I 2 HM-250 Islamic Studies-II 2 HM-150
HM-150 Islamic studies I 2 MA-103 Calculus II 3 MA-100
Humanities/ Social Sciences Elective 3
Total 17 Total 19

2nd Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
CodeCourse TitleCHPre-reqCodeCourse TitleCHPre-req
IT-210 Data Structures and Algorithms 3(2+1) IT-142 IT-270 Organizational Behavior 3
EN-201 Communication Skills 2 EN-112 IT-345 Object Oriented Software
3 IT-250
IT-250 Object Oriented Programming 3(2+1) IST-142 IT-332 Computer Networks 3(2+1) IT-142
IT-220 Digital Logic Design 4 IT-225 Computer Organization and
Assembly Language
4 IT-142
MA-150 Probability and Statistics 3 MA-100 SS-171 Pakistan Studies 2
Humanities/ Social Science Elective 3 Humanities/ Social Science Elective 3
Total 18 Total 18

3rd Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
CodeCourse TitleCHPre-reqCodeCourse TitleCHPre-req
IT-330 Database Systems 3 IT-210 IT-360 Operating Systems 3(2+1) IT-210
IT-340 Human Computer Interaction 3(2+1) IT-370 Information and Network Security 3 IT-332
IT-310 Web Technologies 3 IT-345 IT-380 Information Systems Analysis & Design 3 IT-345
IT-320 Multimedia Systems and Design 3 IT-390 Data and Information Management 3 IT-330
IT-350 Enterprise Architecture1 3 IT-355 Enterprise Architecture2 3 IT-350
IT-335 IT Infrastructure 3 IT Elective I 3
Total 18 Total 18

4th Year

Fall SemesterSpring Semester
CodeCourse TitleCHPre-reqCodeCourse TitleCHPre-req
IT-491 Senior Design Project I 3 IT-492 Senior Design Project II 3 IT-491
IT-410 Technology Management 3 IT-102 IT Elective IV 3
IT-430 IS Project Management 3 IT-345 IT Elective V 3
IT-440 System Integration and Architecture 3 IT-380 IT Elective VI 3
IT-xxx IT Elective II 3 IT Elective VII 3
IT-xxx IT Elective III 3
Total 18 Total 15
Total Credit Hours: 141

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