Academic Programs

PhD in Computer Science


Program Overview

 The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in Computer Science enables students to conduct independent research in the field of CS. A PhD student gain knowledge through state-of-the art course work and also gain practical experience by contributing research. A PhD student publishes his research in conferences, Journal and become visible member of research community. The Ph.D. in Computer Science is a research degree which culminates in a unique dissertation that demonstrates original and creative research. The doctoral program looks for individuals who have a keen interest in research, who have open inquiry mind set and a desire to contribute to knowledge.


Program Objectives

The objective of PhD Computer Science program is to support the student’s continued professional development and helps to build research career in industry and academia. Students who complete the PhD degree in Computer Science will be able to demonstrate:

  • Conduct sufficient and effective research in computer science collaboratively with peers.
  • Advanced knowledge of research methodology, theoretical computer science foundation, and also demonstrate research problems and conduct surveys.
  • The skills that help to become teacher and researcher in both academia and industry.
  • Conduct sufficient and effective research in computer science collaboratively with peers.
Career Prospects

Computing and information technology are the fastest growing occupations in the world. Students with a degree in computer science are qualified to pursue a career in a wide variety of computing careers, dealing with software development or system design and analysis. Software architects have been one of most heavily paid professionals in the recent years. Database administrators and Information systems security engineers are equally more likely to grab excellent career prospects.


Admission Criteria for PhD
  • MS / M. Phil (minimum CGPA 3.0) in semester system or first division (in annual system) course work plus research work-based degree is required.
  • Equivalent degree in Science & Technology are also eligible for program, but may be required to take additional core courses of MS (CS) program.
  • The candidate who completed MS / M. Phil level program without thesis are allowed to take admission into PhD program with condition to take four additional deficiency courses in lieu of thesis at MS / M. Phil degree programs degree will allow to enrol the PhD program on one of the two following conditions.
  • Compulsion to take research methodology as deficiency course and at the end of this course submit at least one paper in any conference or journal.
  • Musty have publish as a main author of at least one research article in any conference or journal
  • GAT Subject by NTS (score > 60 %) or UMT Admission Test (score > 70 %) conducted by UMT (as applicable) is required.
  • Admission Interview by UMT Graduate Admission Committee.

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