University of Management and Technology (UMT) welcomed the newly elected members of Lahore section on (28th July 2021) at 12:00 pm (GMT+5). The chair of IEEE Dr. Amjad Hussain along with his team visited UMT in order to build a strong relationship as a joint venture. Dr Amjad Hussain explained the history of IEEE and described its various aspects. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss about different regions of IEEE, their sections, category of events, workshops and conferences along with awarded competition & prizes given to the participants. They also talked about various types of funding provided for research and projects. Also Mr. Kashif Bashir gave a comprehensive presentation regarding the services IEEE renders to the scientific community and their benefits. A two hour of interactive session was attended by the faculty members of UMT.
The invited members were:
- Dr. Amjad Hussain Chair IEEE Lahore Section
- Kashif Bashir V.Chair IEEE Lahore Section and Chair IEEE ComSoc Lahore Chapter
- Shahid Zulfiqar Treasure IEEE Lahore Section
- Dr. Adnan Siddiqui secretary IEEE Lahore Section
Subsequently, Dr. Amjad Hussain delivered a presentation on different Regions and Sections of IEEE. He discussed about the major events specifically the IEEE ICOSST’18@UET Lahore and IEEE LSYWTC’16. Moreover, he talked about the workshops arranged by them such as IEEE National Workshop on Robotics and Industrial Automation 2017. He further provided the detailed overview on the IEEE technically sponsored conferences like International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC) organized by University of Management and Technology, Lahore. He elaborated about the measures of quality required by IEEE for an ICIC.
Furthermore, Kashif Bashir, the V. Chair of IEEE, emphasized on the competitions such as Hult Competition – UET, KSK, TechHawk – TUF and also mentioned the prize amount specified for different types of competitions. Additionally, he highlighted about the worth of awards given by IEEE such as Best WIE Affinity Group, IEEE PES YP Outstanding Award and Best Poster Award. In addition, he elaborated multiple opportunities for faculty members as well as students if they get the membership of IEEE.
Shahid Zulfiqar, being a Treasure of IEEE talked about the funding and grants provided to the members for different purpose. Some of these grants given were mentioned such as IEEE R10 Funding for IEEE Section Congress 2017 and IEEE R10 Funding for IEEE Section Congress 2017. The session ended with expectations to build relationships between academia and industry of Pakistan by engaging students towards more practical domain. They also met Rector UMT, Dr. M. Aslam, and congratulated for three successful ICIC conferences held at UMT and gave an official approval for the 4th ICIC conference to be held in November, 2021. Finally, they commended the organizers for pulling out such an interactive track between UMT and IEEE. The session was attended by a total of 12 participants.